Richard Layzell

Assisted Power

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performance: duration 45 mins; video documentation above – 43 mins 46 secs

from the original Festival website:

“My ability to dialogue with Layzell’s early oeuvre is without question. This has been a process of Restart not Refresh. Now you’ll see it. And thank me for it. If he’d known then what I see now the view would be altogether sharper. Thank fuck I got the chance after 30 years. I am beyond reproach.”  Tania Koswycz

Some of this material has been seen before. Some of it hasn’t.

Richard Layzell has performed and exhibited globally. He is based in north London with strong links to Colchester and Glasgow. His collaboration with Tania Koswycz dates back to 2002 and their installation The Manifestation premiered at NRLA 08 before touring nationally. Bruno’s Leg was commissioned by Tate Gallery in 1987, The Revolution-You’re In It! by Kettles Yard in 1989. Richard’s sensory installation Tap Ruffle and Shave was seen by 100,000 people across the UK from 1995. He is an Honorary Associate of the NRLA, a ResCen Associate Artist and the author of The Artists’ Directory, Enhanced Performance and Cream Pages.

“A hard man” The Guardian, 2009

With thanks to ResCen, Middlesex University and the NRLA Archive, Theatre Collection, Bristol University.

Update June 2020:

Richard is currently artist in residence at LUX as their Creative Ecologist. Further details can be found here –

Assisted Power


From the original Festival website: RLayzell02.jpg“My ability to dialogue with Layzell’s early oeuvre is without question. This has been a process of Restart not Refresh. Now you’ll see it. And thank me for it. If he’d known then what I see now the view would be altogether sharper. Thank fuck I got the chance after 30 years. I am beyond reproach.”  Tania Koswycz Some of this material has been seen before. Some of it hasn’t. Richard Layzell has performed and exhibited globally. He is based in north London with strong links to Colchester and Glasgow. His collaboration with Tania Koswycz dates back to 2002 and their installation The Manifestation premiered at NRLA 08 before touring nationally. Bruno’s Leg was commissioned by Tate Gallery in 1987, The Revolution-You’re In It! by Kettles Yard in 1989. Richard’s sensory installation Tap Ruffle and Shave was seen by 100,000 people across the UK from 1995. He is an Honorary Associate of the NRLA, a ResCen Associate Artist and the author of The Artists’ Directory, Enhanced Performance and Cream Pages. “A hard man” The Guardian, 2009 With thanks to ResCen, Middlesex University and the NRLA Archive, Theatre Collection, Bristol University.
